The sensory nerves of the face enter the face through a series of foramina: - 1 supraorbital (supraorbital nerve & vessels) Deep to frontalis m.
- 2 infraorbital (infraorbital nerve & vessels) Deep to levator labii superioris m.
- 3 mental (mental nerve & vessels) deep to the platysma m.
- 4 zygomaticofacial (zygomaticofacial nerve)
Identify the following on the anterior skull and face - glabella
- superciliary arch
- canine fossa
- alveolar processes
- anterior nasal spin
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In cadaver dissections, the skin is removed carefully and the muscles of facial expression are identified. This is no easy task since the skin is very thin and with very little fatty tissue beneath it. The motor nerves to the muscles of facial expression and the muscles themselves are just beneath the skin. Up until now you have studied muscles that have had 2 bony attachments. The muscles of the face may have a bony attachment but the insertion is into the skin. This is how we can make facial expressions of happiness, sadness, anger or disapproving. Most of us understand these expressions well.
Once the skin is removed and the muscles cleaned, you can start to name them. In the following images, the muscles are identified.
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