السبت، 4 أكتوبر 2008

Sutures and Anthropological Landmarks of the Skull

Major Sutures and Anthropological Landmarks of the Skull

The major sutures to identify are the:
  • coronal
  • lambdoid
  • sagittal
Major anthropological points:
  • bregma
  • lambda
Finally, take a look at some of the skull structures you have identified thus far but through a radiographic image.
  1. coronal suture
  2. frontal sinus
  3. orbit
  4. ethmoid sinus
  5. nasal cavity
  6. inferior concha
  7. maxillary sinus
  8. ramus of mandible
  9. body of mandible
  10. nasal septum
  11. mastoid air cells
  12. sphenoid sinus
  13. hypophyseal fossa

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